Where We Stand on Key Issues
Servier advocates for key policies and issues that support our mission of creating transformative precision medicines for people with rare and hard-to-treat diseases. Read more about how we ensure our patients have access to medicines, continue to invest in R&D and innovative solutions and protect our resilient supply chain.
Servier is committed to developing innovative, breakthrough precision medicines for patients with rare and hard-to-treat cancers such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), mutant IDH inhibition and glioma. We support efforts to ensure policies do not penalize for identifying new populations and new indications for orphan drugs and provide expanded access and compassionate use avenues for patients. We have also accelerated our investment in hard-to-treat cancers, with more than 50% of research and development dedicated to oncology.
Through our patient access program, expanded access and government programs including 340B, Servier is ensuring safe access to medicine for all of our patients, committing to affordable and reduced pricing for eligible healthcare organizations and covered entities. We take a value-based, patient-centered approach to developing our medicines that relies on strong data and real-world evidence. We oppose importation of drugs due to increased health risks, potential for unsafe counterfeit, substandard or adulterated products.
Since establishing our footprint in Boston, MA, in 2018, Servier has boosted our biotech research and investment in foundational scientific capabilities, including growing and strengthening a diverse and skilled workforce and building a new, state-of-the-art lab and offices. We invest 25% of our profits back into our R&D efforts every year, with 50% going to oncology, which is above the industry average. Servier supports policies and efforts to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing including better coordination between private and public sectors in the U.S. while fostering harmonization with our global colleagues and partners to strengthen global bioeconomy.
We are continuously working to protect and secure the resiliency of our supply chain, so patients have continued access to their medications. This includes supporting policies to strengthen our nation’s public health and medical preparedness including strengthening the supply chain to prevent medical product shortages, and we believe there needs to be more transparency and accountability for middlemen profiting from the supply chain at the expense of patients.